Each Crew member must be registered and have a signed waiver on file with the Twin Cities Beach Blast no later than one hour before the posted race start time.
Registration is free.
Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.
Each crew member must supply and wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device.
No bare feet. Each crew member must wear shoes or sandals that stay on the feet with straps. Flip-flops are not allowed.
Races are not open to our sponsors, employees or members of Twin Cities Beach Blast or their families.
In the event of severe weather, race cancellation or delays will be posted on www.tcbeachblast.com, www.facebook.com/tcbeachblast, www.twitter.com/tcbeachblast, and announced by the media.
A boat/crew may enter multiple race divisions, but may only win (1) timed speed or (1) creative prize in (1) race, with exception of the Stand-up Paddler (SUP) race.
Participants must be age 5 and up.
Floatation for the boats must consist of whole plastic or cardboard milk cartons or jugs.
On the craft’s hull, at least 50 percent of cartons or jugs must touch the water surface; one may not completely wrap the cartons.
No motorized propulsion is permitted.
No swimming or pushing the boat. Boats must move by human power by humans on the boat.
No flames, fires, smoke bombs or fireworks of any kind are permitted.
Boats and crew members will be inspected for compliance.
Stand-up Paddler (SUP) Race
Any boat may be used for the SUP race.
Only (1) participant per boat.
Participant must stand up through the duration of the race or be disqualified.
60 MINUTES: All boats and crew members must be checked in at least one hour before posted race start time.
30 MINUTES: All boats must be on site and available for judging at least 30 minutes before posted race start time.
10 MINUTES: Boats must be at the Boat Launch Zone no later than 10 minutes before posted race start time.
10:00 a.m.: Orcas - Adults 18 years of age or older
11:00 a.m.: Sharks - Teens ages 13-17
12:00 p.m.: Minnows - Kids ages 5-12 with (1) adult on board
1:00 p.m.: Whales - The biggest, Cow-Themed boats Race
2:00 p.m.: SUP - Solo Stand-up Paddlers
2:30 p.m.: Media Race: Watch members of the Twin Cities media compete!
3:00 p.m.: The Showdown - Grand Finale of today's champions
Each boat much display a race number sticker provided at registration and be displayed with a clear view for race officials.
If a boat wins a heat, crew members must transport it back to the start line for the race finals.
Crew members are required to remove or dispose of the boat or its remains from the site.
Judges and Race Officials’ decisions are final.
Each Crew member must be registered and have a signed waiver on file with the Twin Cities Beach Blast one hour before the posted race start time.
Registration is free!
Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.
Each crew member must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device. Free PFDs are available at Registration.
No bare feet. Each crew member must wear shoes or sandals that stay on the feet with straps. Flip-flops are not allowed.
Races are not open to our sponsors, employees or members of Twin Cities Beach Blast or their families.
In the event of severe weather, race cancellation or delays will be posted on www.tcbeachblast.com, ww.facebook.com/tcbeachblast, www.twitter.com/tcbeachblast, and announced by the media.
A boat/crew may enter multiple race divisions, but may only win (1) timed speed or (1) creative prize in (1) race, with exception of the Stand-up Paddler (SUP) race & Finale.
Participants must be age 5 and up.
Floatation for the boats must consist of whole plastic or cardboard milk cartons or jugs.
On the craft’s hull, at least 50 percent of cartons or jugs must touch the water surface; one may not completely wrap the cartons.
No motorized propulsion is permitted.
No swimming or pushing the boat. Boats must move by human power by humans on the boat.
No flames, fires, smoke bombs or fireworks of any kind are permitted.
Boats and crew members will be inspected for compliance.
Stand-up Paddler (SUP) Race
Any boat may be used for the SUP race.
Only (1) participant per boat.
Participant must stand up through the duration of the race or be disqualified.
60 MINUTES: All boats and crew members must be checked in at least one hour before posted race start time.
30 MINUTES: All boats must be on site and available for Zoom judging at least 30 minutes before posted race start time.
10 MINUTES: Boats must be at the Boat Launch Zone no later than 10 minutes before posted race start time.
10:00 a.m.: Orcas - Adults 18 years of age or older
11:00 a.m.: Sharks - Teens ages 13-17
12:00 noon: Minnows - Kids ages 5-12 with (1) adult on board
1:00 p.m.: SUP - Solo Stand-up Paddlers
2:00 p.m.: The Showdown - Grand Finale of today's champions
The races will start at the top of the hour.
Each boat much display a race number sticker provided at registration and be displayed with a clear view for race officials.
If a boat wins a heat, crew members must transport it back to the start line for the race finals.
Crew members are required to remove or dispose of the boat or its remains from the site.
Judges and Race Officials’ decisions are final.
1st Place Speed: $100
1st Place Creative: $300
2nd Place Creative: $200
3rd Place Creative: $100
(Creative prizes for original boats. No creative prizes for using TC Beach Blast-supplied boats or art work.)
1st Place Speed; $100