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how to race vIrtually in these challenging times:
​You'll need:
milk carton boat!
A lake anywhere in minnesota!
life jackets and paddles
a following boat, paddle board or canoe
zoom camera operator on shore
a lake & race zone to paddle on
measure out 100 feet on land
mark start & finish lines
check-in 60 minutes before race
30 minutes prior preview your boat on Zoom for judging
start on time and paddle hard
have fun!
Milk Carton Boat Races

how to build your sand castle virtually in these challenging times:
​You'll need:
a beach anywhere in minnesota!
zoom camera operator
Shovels, scrapers, rakes & buckets
measure out 10 feet square to build your design
log in at 10:30 a.m. to check-in
Zoom in at 11, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45 & 1:15 p.m. to show progress
have fun!
Sandcastle Competition
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